We are passionate about helping young people to grow, learn and develop. We love inspiring and motivating action for social and environmental goals. By donating to Change Agents UK, you are…
helping young people attain meaningful jobs which benefit people & planet
supporting the learning journey of bright young people who want to bring sustainability principles into their lives and work
widening access to our training and workshops for those from marginalised or disadvantaged communities
facilitating the creation of nature havens in schools, colleges and universities
enabling us to support students and youth groups to implement projects which improve social & environmental wellbeing in their local communities through our Grants for Good programme
furthering environmental action within our local communities in Rutland and South Kesteven
…and supporting the development of more sustainability projects with impact!

Want An Easy Way to Support Change Agents UK...?
Using our Easy Fundraising link will allow you to support us at no cost to you when you buy goods or services online and generate donations from participating retailers and organisations.
Change Agents UK Fundraising | Easyfundraising
Your support really does make a difference. Please get in touch if you have any thoughts or questions – we’d love to hear from you!
With a BIG thank you from
The Change Agents UK Team