Charlotte Bonner
Charity Trustee
Charlotte has over fifteen years’ experience working in the sustainability and education sectors leading transformational engagement and development programmes.
She is the National Head of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at the Education and Training Foundation where she is responsible for the strategic development and implementation of their ESD work as well as being the policy and advocacy lead for sustainability.
Prior to joining the ETF she was a keystone of NUS’ sustainability work, most notably project managing the UNESCO ESD prize winning Green Impact programme from its inception. She is one of the co-founders of Students Organizing for Sustainability International and led on their partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme. She’s previously held senior teaching associate positions at the University of Bristol and was a sustainability consultant prior to her tenure at NUS.
Charlotte has an MSc in energy and environmental technologies and is a member of both the Institution of Environmental Managers and Assessors and the Society of Education and Training. She’s part of the Institute of Apprenticeships and Technical Education’s Green Apprenticeship Advisory Community and sits on the COP26 Education and Skills Committee.
When not at work, she enjoys riding her bike, cooking, reading fiction and a pub quiz.