Biodiversity Collage
What is a Biodiversity Collage?
What is biodiversity? What does biodiversity offer us as humans? What are current threats to biodiversity? Find out answers to these questions and more in this interactive, engaging workshop!
Biodiversity creates a world that we can live in, but we often don’t know how we fit in or interact with it. Based on the internationally-recognised IPBES reports, the Biodiversity Collage enables participants to explore how ecosystems function and the threats they currently face, then take part in a guided debrief and discussion to turn that knowledge into action relevant to your context.

How does the Biodiversity Collage Work?
Play The Cards
There’s no lectures in the Collage: instead, you will gain knowledge of biodiversity by building the full story through a set of 39 cards. Everyone becomes a collaborative learner that contributes to the team.
Find the links between the cards, to understand what biodiversity is, what it enables and what degrades it.
Creating Solutions
At this point, you understand the extent and causes of the challenges, you’ve then explored the topic with peers, so now you are well set up for creating solutions.
In this stage we’ll share ideas and areas of effective action within your context, to see what you can do after the workshop to make an impact.
Debrief and Creativity
After you’ve uncovered the Biodiversity Collage, we take time to reflect, using creativity and guided discussion. This allows you to summarise and digest the information in a way that makes sense to you. This time gives space to connect with any emotions that are arising, and be creative so you’re ready for stage 3.
Host a Biodiversity Collage for your Team
We recommend hosting this workshop within an organisation so together you can step up to create action, though all formats are welcome. We’ll work with you to cater the session to suit your team’s context, existing knowledge and aims so you can springboard from this workshop to maximise impact and solutions. Fill in the form below for more information or to receive a call back from our education team.