Change Agents UK provide recruitment and employment services for UK companies, Universities, global brands and charities in all aspects of sustainability. We’ve been successfully recruiting candidates in Energy, Environment, Sustainability and Health, Safety and Wellbeing roles for over 25 years. Our mission is to create a secure, resilient, zero-carbon and fair future for all and every candidate we place is one step closer to this goal.
We don’t just support you in finding the best candidate, we help develop that person through our Sustainability Leaderships Skills Programme which all those we recruit are enrolled on. This diverse sustainability course supports your new team member with the additional skills needed to excel in the workplace and become a true Change Agent, inspiring others to create a better future for all.

We understand that not everyone is like us, we're excited by recruitment but we know that for lots of people it's time consuming and difficult. Partnering with us means you benefit from over 25 years of experience in sustainability recruitment and access to a network of over 6000 professionals, and that's before we advertise on job boards and social media.
Our team will work with you on what your ideal sustainability candidate looks like, what their role will involve and advertise the position across multiple platforms. We recruit permanent and contract roles and also offer employment services. Sustainability employment isn't just about qualifications and accreditations, we believe you also need soft skills, values and experience. Once we've found the perfect candidate for you they'll be enrolled into our Sustainability Skills Programme to ensure they have all the skills they need to excel.
We don't just wait for candidates to come to us, we actively seek out the best sustainability professionals and new graduates and form lasting relationships. We're proud of our network and excited to bring them the best jobs on the market.
Composing Job descriptions and Role DefinitionsWe work with you to define the job title, key responsibilities and candidate specification. Our experienced sustainability recruiters ensure the right keywords and attributes attract the best candidates. Using our 25years of experience in sustainability recruitment we can help you improve the clarity, structure and appeal of existing job descriptions.
Sustainability Job PostingsAdvertising across our platform, job boards, university careers sites and social media channels. Email notifications sent to our diverse network advertising your job role.
Application Pathway and ShortlistingWe offer a complete application pathway, all hosted online meaning your candidates receive a seamless and professional experience. Using our 25years of experience our Sustainability Recruitment team can shortlist candidates for you. Screening them on criteria you have approved, meaning only to best candidates make it through to interview. Our experienced sustainability recruitment team conduct initial telephone interviews for you as an extra step in the shortlisting process.
Formal InterviewsWe can conduct the formal interview process for you, with a member of your team present to pick the final candidate. Telephone or online interviews are key in recruiting the best sustainability professionals, we conduct thousands of interviews every year for organisations and institutions.
Sustainability Employment ServicesDo you recognise a need for a member of staff but hiring freezes are stopping you from achieving your targets? Do you need someone on a short, fixed term contract? As Sustainability Recruitment specialists we also offer Employment Services. Meaning you can afford the talent you need to achieve your targets. Recruited and employed by Change Agents; we provide a full service including contracts and payroll. All staff employed through this service are eligible for the Sustainability Leadership Skills Programme whilst in placement to you.
Sustainability Leadership Skills ProgrammeOur signature education offering for professionals; the Sustainability Leadership Skills Programme is a diverse series of workshops and coaching support, covering all aspects of sustainability from values to greenwashing. Supported by the Chartered Institute for Waste Management; Whilst undertaking the programme participants will gain student membership to CIWM, and on completion will be eligible for accredited membership should they choose, starting their journey toward a Chartered Environmentalist qualification. All professionals placed through our Sustainability recruitment and employment services are offered a place on this training course. We also offer this course as a standalone offering so if you're a forward thinking organisation with a commitment to a better future then get in touch.
Change Agents UK Trading Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the charity Change Agents UK. All profits from these recruitment activities are gift aided to the charity to support their educational work.
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