Professor Mark Lemon
Charity Trustee
Mark Lemon is a social scientist with an increasingly distant background in community development and the construction industry. His research over the past twenty years has covered a range of policy relevant issues relating to the human – technical interface particularly as it affects the natural environment and sustainable development and within this broad area he has focused on the factors that influence organisational culture, knowledge management and the way that multi-disciplinary and multi-agency teams define and respond to complex environmental problems. He has a particular interest in the characteristics of integrative research and the development of trans-disciplinary, cross-cutting, skills and has published extensively in this area.
Mark has managed cross-disciplinary research into desertification, environmental management and resource use for European and UK research bodies and has undertaken research and consultancy for, among others, the Environment Agency, English Partnerships, Newcastle City Council, Lafarge, BT and Cisco. He is currently pursuing research into the dynamic relationship between indoor and outdoor environments and human behaviour and exploring the potential of that understanding for more sustainable urban design.
Mark has supervised over twenty Doctoral and M.Phil. students on a wide range of topics linked to understanding socio-technical aspects of the environment. He was previously course leader for the Innovation and Design for Sustainability Masters at Cranfield University and is currently leader for the Resource Use and Pollution module on the Climate Change and Sustainable Development Masters in IESD.
He has over one hundred publications including over thirty in peer reviewed journals.